21 Oktober 2010

Indonesian rally airs concerns on president

By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

Thosuands of Indonesians, including hundreds of Catholic students, rallied in front of the State Palace, yesterday airing concerns about the direction their country is taking.

“The national interest is not the top priority of the governance of President [Susilo Bambang] Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono,” an interreligious group of young people said in a statement.

The statement questioned the legitimacy of his installation as “various violations allegedly surfaced.”

The youth group, calling itself the National Opposition Unity, staged the rally on the first anniversary of President Yudhoyono’s re-election.

“Various neo-liberal policies which were the products of president’s previous leadership must have been ended if the government really wanted to focus on economic independence and national sovereignty,” the statement said.

The group, of which the Union of Catholic University Students (PMKRI) is a member, claims that the government has maintained harmful policies, eroded democracy and failed to eradicate corruption or bring food prices down.

They will collect signatures for a petition demanding a vote of no confidence over the government’s neo-liberal regime. “This will be done by going to villages, housing complexes and factories. We will knock on every door.”

PMKRI chairman Stefanus Gusma, told ucanews.com that his members joined the rally “because we have similar conclusion that the government have failed to do its tasks in various fields including law, politics, economy and public service.”

On Oct. 19 the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta) identified three main issues related to the law enforcement namely mistreatment against suspects and defendants, case manipulation and stagnation of the legal process.


16 Oktober 2010

Hari-Hari Nasional & Internasional

  Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Januari :
1 - Hari Perdamaian Dunia
10 - Hari Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia
15 - Hari Peristiwa Laut dan Samudera
25 - Hari Gizi
25 - Hari Kusta Internasional

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Februari :
3 - Hari Lahan Basah Sedunia
4 - Hari Kanker Dunia
9 - Hari Pers Nasional
13 - Hari Persatuan Farmasi Indonesia
15 - Hari Pembantu Rumah Tangga
21 - Hari Bahasa Ibu Sedunia
28 - Hari Gizi Nasional

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Maret :
1 - Hari Kehakiman Indonesia
7 - Hari Kesadaran Keamanan Informasi (7 Maret 2007)
8 - Hari Perdamaian Internasional
8 - Hari Hak Asasi Wanita Internasional
9 - Hari Musik Nasional
18 - Hari Arsitektur Indonesia
18 - Hari Wanita Internasional
20 - Hari Kehutanan Dunia
21 - Hari Anti Diskriminasi Ras Internasional
22 - Hari Air Sedunia
23 - Hari Meteorologi Dunia (23 Maret 1950)
24 - Hari TBC Sedunia
23 - Hari Metereologi Sedunia
30 - Hari Film Indonesia

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan April :
1 - Hari Bank Dunia
2 - Hari Peduli Autisme Sedunia
4 - Hari Kepedulian Pertambangan Internasional
6 - Hari Nelayan Indonesia
7 - Hari Kesehatan Sedunia
21 - Hari Kartini
22 - Hari Bumi
23 - Hari Hak Cipta Buku Sedunia
24 - Hari Solidaritas Asia-Afrika
27 - Hari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Indonesia
27 - Hari Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual Sedunia

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Mei :
1 - Peringatan Pembebasan Irian Barat
1 - Hari Buruh Internasional
2 - Hari Pendidikan Nasional
3 - Hari Pers Sedunia
8 - Hari Malaria Sedunia
12 - Hari Tragedi Semanggi (12 Mei 1998)
15 - Hari Keluarga Internasional
17 - Hari Buku Nasional
17 - Hari Masyarakat Informasi Sedunia (Hari Telekomunikasi Sedunia)
20 - Hari Kebangkitan Nasional (20 Mei 1908)
21 - Hari Peringatan Reformasi (21 Mei 1998)
21 - Hari Keragaman Budaya untuk Dialog dan Pembangunan Sedunia
29 - Hari Bencana Lumpur Lapindo (29 Mei 2006)
29 - Hari Internasional untuk Penjaga Perdamaian PBB
29 - Hari Lansia Nasional
31 - Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Juni :
1 - Hari Susu Sedunia
1 - Hari Anak-anak Sedunia
4 - Hari Internasional untuk Anak-anak Tak berdosa Korban Perang
5 - Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia
8 - Hari Laut Dunia
17 - Hari Sedunia Melawan Kelaparan dan Kekeringan
19 - Hari Buku Sedunia
20 - Hari Pengungsi Sedunia
21 - Hari Krida Pertanian
23 - Hari Layanan Publik PBB
24 - Hari Bidan Indonesia
26 - Hari Anti Narkoba Sedunia
29 - Hari Keluarga Nasional

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Juli :
1 - Hari Kerjasama Internasional (Sabtu minggu pertama)
9 - Hari Peluncuran Satelit Palapa
11 - Hari Populasi Sedunia
12 - Hari Koperasi (12 Juli 1947)
20 - Hari Tanpa TV
23 - Hari Anak Nasional
30 - Hari Loper Koran

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Agustus :
1 - Pekan ASI Sedunia
5 - Hari Dharma Wanita
9 - Hari Penduduk Pribumi Sedunia
9 - Hari Hidrografi Internasional
12 - Hari Pemuda Internasional
18 - Hari Konstitusi Indonesia
21 - Hari Maritim Nasional
23 - HUT Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (23 Agustus 1967)
23 - Hari Internasional Peringatan Penghapusan Perbudakan
30 - Hari Orang Hilang Sedunia

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan September :
3 - Hari Palang Merah Indonesia
6 - Hari Aksara
8 - Hari Melek Huruf Internasional
21 - Hari Perdamaian Internasional
24 - Hari Tani
24 - Hari Agraria Nasional
28 - Hari Kereta Api
28 - Hari Jantung Sehat Sedunia
29 - Hari Sarjana Indonesia

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Oktober :
1 - Hari Habitat Sedunia (Senin pertama)
1 - Hari Pengurangan Bencana Alam Internasional (Rabu kedua)
1 - Hari Manula Internasional
2 - Hari Batik Nasional (2 Oktober 2009)
5 - Hari Guru Sedunia
9 - Hari Habitat Dunia
10 - Hari Kesehatan Mental Sedunia
16 - Hari Pangan Sedunia
17 - Hari Penghapusan Kemiskinan Internasional
18 - Hari Asuransi Indonesia
20 - Hari Osteoporosis Nasional
24 - Hari Dokter Indonesia
24 - Minggu Perlucutan Senjata Sedunia (24-30 Oktober)
24 - Hari Pembangunan Informasi Sedunia
24 - Hari Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
27 - Hari Penerbangan Nasional
27 - Hari Blogger Nasional
28 - Sumpah Pemuda
30 - Hari Keuangan

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan November :
1 - Bulan Mutu Nasional
3 - Hari Kerohanian
5 - Hari Cinta Puspa dan Satwa Nasional
6 - Hari Internasional untuk Pencegahan Eksploitasi Lingkungan semasa Perang dan Konflik
12 - Hari Kesehatan Nasional
14 - Hari Diabetes Sedunia
16 - Hari Toleransi Internasional
20 - Hari Anak-anak Sedunia
21 - Hari Pohon
21 - Hari Televisi Sedunia
21 - Hari Peringatan Korban Kecelakaan Lalu-lintas Sedunia (Minggu ketiga)
25 - Hari Guru
25 - Hari Internasional untuk penghapusan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan
28 - Hari Menanam Pohon
29 - Hari Internasional untuk Solidaritas Rakyat Palestina

Hari-hari nasional dan internasional di bulan Desember :
1 - Hari AIDS Sedunia
2 - Hari Internasional untuk Penghapusan Perbudakan
3 - Hari Penyandang Cacat Internasional
5 - Hari Internasional untuk Relawan Pembangunan Sosial dan Ekonomi
9 - Hari Anti Korupsi Internasional
10 - Hari Hak Asasi Manusia
10 - Hari Penyiaran Anak Internasional
11 - Hari Gunung Internasional
12 - Hari Transmigrasi
13 - Hari Nusantara
15 - Hari Cinta Puspa dan Satwa Nasional
18 - Hari Migrasi Internasional
20 - Hari Solidaritas Kemanusiaan Internasional
22 - Hari Ibu
22 - Hari Sosial
29 - Hari Keanekaragaman Hayati

14 Oktober 2010

Catholics acknowledge the ‘power of love’

By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

Bishop Johannes Maria Trilaksyanta Pujasumarta of Bandung in West Java has emphasized the “power of love” at an opening of a novena to observe the Month of Rosary.

“The power of love can change difficult situations,” he told about 200 Catholics present at the Catholic University of Atma Jaya, the event’s venue.

The Fellowship of Marian Devotion organized the Oct. 8-17 program that started with a procession of the Marian statue blessed by Pope John Paul II during his Indonesian visit in 1989. It includes praying the rosary prayers, a seminar and Masses. October is the traditional month of the rosary.

Bishop Pujasumarta pointed out that conflicts, hostilities and destruction exist in this world but that human beings must not lose their faith. “We should use our faith creatively so that we are able to deal with various problems.”

Herlina, a housewife, acknowledged that the power of love encouraged her to marry a layman suffering from poliomyelitis. “I could feel God’s intervention in our struggle,” she told the congregation. Her husband, Sinarahardja, said he went through a difficult time due to the disease.

Maria Soetopo, an organizer, said that repeated national conflicts and violence encouraged the fellowship to initiate the program 10 years ago. “It is only love that can change anything.”


09 Oktober 2010

Violence victims hold weekly vigils in Jakarta

 By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

JAKARTA (ucan) -- Victims of human rights abuses staged a silent protest in front of Indonesia’s presidential palace on Oct. 7, urging President Bambang Yudhoyono to deal with unresolved cases of violence.

Dressed in black and holding umbrellas, about 20 members of the Solidarity Network of Victims for Justice (JSKK) stood in silence, holding banners and photos of kidnapped and missing persons, including victims of the 1998 riots.

The Oct. 8 protest was the 179th protest since the network was established in 2007.

“We hold peaceful protests in the afternoon because that’s the time the president returns home and he can see us,” said Maria Catharina Sumarsih.

She said the group wanted cases investigated by National Commission of Human Rights to be brought before a specially constituted court.

“We have lobbied various government instances but they do not heed us. We are tired but we are still motivated to stage protests,” she added. “We would stop when the president heeds our recommendations,” the Catholic laywoman said.

Sumarsih’s son was shot on the campus of Catholic University of Atma Jaya in Jakarta while he assisted other victims of the 1998 riots.

Meanwhile, Suciwati, the wife of Munir, the Kontras founder who was poisoned while taking a flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam in 2004, said she was disappointed at the government’s failure to implement recommendations on human rights violations.

“The president should be ashamed,” she added.

Crosier Father Serafin Danny Sanusi, executive secretary of Indonesian bishops’ Justice and Peace Commission, said he supported the protesters’ choice of non-violence.

“This shows their compassion and concern for unsolved human rights abuses,” said Father Sanusi, who has twice joined the protests.

08 Oktober 2010

Catholic journalists tackle controversy

By ucanews.com staff, Rome

Dealing with controversial issues was considered the most emotionally-charged topic in the ongoing Catholic Press Congress at the Vatican.

“A Catholic editor must love his Church. We often ignore debate and exchanging views. We must utilize internet opportunities,” said French Bishop Stanislas Marie Georges Jude Lalanne of Coutances.

He was speaking to more than 200 participants from 85 countries attending the Catholic Press Congress on Oct. 5 organized by the Pontifical Council for Social Communication in Rome.

Heated debates dominated the topic titled Ecclesial Communions and controversies: Freedom of expression and the truth of the Church. Speakers shared views on dealing with controversial Church issues.

“We require clear words to avoid issues. Avoid commenting if you have incomplete or no information. Any truth stems from the Holy Spirit”, said Bishop Marcello Semeraro of Albano.

According to John Thavis, Catholic News Service director, Rome Bureau, fairness is key. “We should know where we stand. It’s easy to express outrage but hard to assess reality—we must examine context, time frame and perspective.”

“Sex and money are extremely controversial issues. We must achieve full transparency with clear communication,” added Father Fredercio Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office.

Participants were divided into 16 groups and discussed whether Catholic press should avoid certain topics, how it should handle controversy and how to give a voice to dissent.

The Asian group reported that while Christians are a minority in the region, persecution, human rights violations and interreligious harmony remain key issues.

The congress concludes on Oct. 7 with a blessing from Pope Benedict XVI.

03 Oktober 2010

Women ’still neglected in global conflict zones’

By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

The recently held Asian Women Peacemakers Conference emphasized the importance of protecting women in both conflict and post-conflict zones as written in the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, adopted almost a decade ago.

The Sept. 29-30 event was attended by 130 participants representing several NGOs from Afghanistan, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and the Philippines.

The National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan), Multicultural Women Peacemakers Network (MWPN), Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP) and Women Peacemakers Program-International Fellowship of Reconciliation (WPP-IFOR) jointly organized the event with the theme focusing on the interfaith perspective on the role of women peacemakers.

“Efforts to protect women in conflict and post-conflict zones, especially those facing sexual abuse, taking refuge, being discriminated and marginalized based on cultural, religious and ethnic identities are still scarce,” said Yuniyanti Chuzaifah, Komnas Perempuan’s chairwoman, reading the conference’s press release.

Besides protection, participants also stressed on two main issues, namely, promotion and participation.

In terms of promotion, they emphasized the importance of empowering women as peacemaking agents and creating women community leaders. Participation refers to improving womens’ involvement in preventing and dealing with conflicts and in efforts towards repatriation.

They also suggested that each country should draft a national action plan to ensure the implementation of the UNSCR 1325. Each country must ensure the implementation of bureaucracy reformation and the protection womens’ rights.

Shilera Phor from Afghanistan promised that she will make an action plan empowering women in her country. “Women in my country face many problems including education, children and refugees,” she said.

Santina Amaral Fernandez from East Timor had a different opinion. “Women’s role in promoting peace in my country has become better. We talked about peace within our families and before the public too,” she said, adding that she will keep drafting an action plan because conflicts continue in her country.
