27 Agustus 2010

Telling the story of Indonesian Catholics

By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

The Third Grand Synod of the Indonesian Catholic Church, scheduled for Nov. 1-5 in Bogor, West Java, will use a narrative or story-telling approach previously used by the Asian Mission Congress in 2006, says one of its chief organizers.

Divine Word Father Alfons Agustinus Duka, who heads the grand synod’s organizing committee, said the Telling the Story of Jesus in Asia theme at the Asian Mission Congress in Chiang Mai, Thailand, was an inspiration for the grand synod.

“The narrative approach can reveal faith,” he said.

Father Duka spoke to ucanews.com about the preparations and aims of the upcoming grand synod.

Q. How are preparations for the grand synod going?

A. We have prepared reflections and prayers related to the theme. Copies were distributed to each diocese. They are written in plain language so they will be easier for participants to digest.

We have also sent guidelines that will help participants present their life witnesses in a free and creative manner, based on three sub-themes: cultural diversity, interfaith dialogue, and marginalized people.

We chose this theme because we want to see more faith-based sharing, instead of theoretical discussions which occurred in the two previous grand synods. It’s also an invitation for Catholics to be aware of their calling and to proclaim the good news in their daily lives.

Jesus’ life will be the main focus of the grand synod.

Q. How will this be done?

A. Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Ecclesia in Asia, affirmed that the Church’s mission is to have faith sharing in light of faith in Jesus Christ. It is a gift that we must accept and share with others. This faith sharing should be done by using a narrative approach.

We will use a narrative approach because it can reveal faith. Each participant representing every diocese will be given an opportunity to tell a story, and this story must reflect the Gospel and Church’s teachings. By doing this, we will get clues which can be used to identify the depth of our faith experience.

Q. Why a narrative approach?

A. By telling a story, a person can reveal their identity: who he/she is, where he/she is from, and whom he/she is related to. Telling a story relates with others and is something which can be seen, touched and felt.

By telling a story, someone can also relate how he/she experiences things. It includes their faith experience in Jesus, which may be difficult to understand if it is defined in a scientific way.

Jesus himself always used stories. When answering the question “who is my neighbor?” Jesus did not define it. Instead, he told a story, of which we finally called the neighbor a Good Samaritan.

In his encyclical Ecclesia in Asia, Pope John Paul II says story telling is a pedagogy which suits nations best.

Q. What will the content of the stories be?

A. Participants’ faith experience should be based on the context of Indonesia, which is diverse and complex. Amongst this diversity and complexity, however, the bishops have chosen to focus on three main issues: Socio-cultural life, religious life, and socio-economic life, which are the grand synod’s sub-themes.

The introduction of Jesus’ face will also be presented throughout the whole program of the grand synod, such as in the inculturated Eucharist services and cultural performances.

Q. Can you outline the topics for discussion?

A. We will discuss three subjects: Recognizing Jesus’ face in cultural diversity, recognizing Jesus’ face in interfaith dialogue, and recognizing Jesus’ face in the life of marginalized people.

With interfaith dialogue, we will invite other religious followers –- Buddhists, Muslims and followers of traditional beliefs –- to share with us about their faith experiences.

Q. What makes this year’s grand synod unique?

A. The two previous grand synods focused on scientific and intellectual analysis. This year will be a faith celebration and sharing in light of the Gospel.

This year’s synod is organized as follow-up to the Asian Mission Congress in 2006.

Q. How many Catholics will take part?

A. About 500 participants. Each diocese will send a delegation of 6-10 people including the bishop, priests, nuns, brothers and laypeople.

We hope participants come from various institutions and organizations, or those who take an active part in interfaith dialogues, activities related to their cultures and services to the poor.

Q. What do you expect from participants after the synod?

A. We hope they will put into practice the grand synod’s recommendations after they go back to their own dioceses, parishes and ecclesial communities.


19 Agustus 2010

Surat KWI kepada Presiden SBY

Menjelang perayaan HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke-65, pimpinan Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia (KWI) mendatangi kantor Sekretariat Negara pada Senin 16 Agustus untuk menyerahkan surat kepada kepala pemerintahan Indonesia.

Surat tersebut ditandatangani ketua KWI Mgr Martinus D. Situmorang OFM Cap dan Sekjen Mgr Johanes Pujasumarta.

Berikut adalah isi surat dengan nomor 164/II/8/2010, tertanggal 16 Agustus 2010:

Kepada YM

Presiden Republik Indonesia
Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono


Bapak Presiden yang kami hormati dan cintai,

Menjelang peringatan 65 tahun Proklamasi Kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia perkenankan kami, para Waligereja Katolik Indonesia, menulis surat kepada Bapak Presiden.

Pertama kami ingin berterimakasih kepada Bapak Presiden. Di bawah kepemimpinan Bapak Presiden negara kita berhasil mengatasi goncangan-goncangan yang berkaitan dengan perubahan-perubahan mendalam 12 tahun lalu.

Kehidupan bangsa menjadi lebih mantap, konflik dan kekerasan mereda, perekonomian mulai berkembang positif, di dunia internasional Indonesia berdiri secara terhormat. Dan kami bersyukur, bahwa di bawah kepemimpinan Bapak Presiden, Pancasila, UUD 1945, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika tetap menjadi acuan dasar kebijakan negara.

Akan tetapi, Bapak Presiden, semua keberhasilan yang kami syukuri dan kami akui ini tidak menutup kenyataan, bahwa di dalam masyarakat terdapat keresahan-keresahan yang semakin mendalam, yang kalau tidak ditanggapi secara positif dapat mengancam masa depan bangsa kita.

Di satu pihak sebagian cukup besar rakyat Indonesia masih menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan serius dalam hidup sehari-hari: kesulitan mendapat pekerjaan, beaya pendidikan dan kesehatan yang tetap tinggi, kriminalitas dan premanisme yang memberikan perasaan tidak aman, kualitas hidup terutama bagi orang kecil terus menurun. Sesudah 65 tahun merdeka lebih dari 100 juta warga bangsa belum menikmati taraf kehidupan yang wajar.

Pada saat yang sama rakyat menyaksikan elit politik sibuk dengan dirinya sendiri.

Peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dalam sepuluh bulan terakhir membuat masyarakat semakin sinis. Setiap hari media menyajikan berita: para wakil rakyat yang seakan-akan hanya mencari trik-trik baru untuk

mengisi kantong mereka sendiri; kepolisian memberi kesan bahwa mereka dengan segala cara men-sabotase setiap usaha untuk memberantas korupsi di kalangan mereka sendiri; kejaksaan agung dicurigai sengaja memperlambat pengusutan penyelewengan; ada mafia hukum sehingga rakyat sulit memperoleh keadilan. Sementara itu pemerintah kelihatan membiarkan lembaga-lembaga yang bertugas memberantas korupsi, seperti KPK, digerogoti wewenang dan wibawanya.

Bapak Presiden, rakyat semakin mendapat kesan bahwa elit politik hanya melayani diri mereka sendiri. Hal ini akan sangat fatal karena rakyat akan kehilangan kepercayaan terhadap sistem politik kita sekarang, yang dengan susah payah telah kita bangun bersama sejak 12 tahun, yang menjunjung tinggi Pancasila.

Ada dua perkembangan yang mengkhawatirkan. Di satu pihak semakin banyak orang tidak mau tahu lagi tentang politik, tentang nasib bangsa, tentang cita-cita bersama. Mereka hanya mengejar keamanan dan sukses mereka sendiri. Mereka ingin masuk ke dalam lapisan golongan yang mampu menikmati konsumsi tinggi tawaran di iklan, promosi dan mall-mall.

Mereka menyerah kepada oportunisme yang mereka cermati merajalela di kalangan elit politik. Rasa solidaritas dan kebangsaan menguap. Contoh yang diberikan oleh para elit meyakinkan rakyat bahwa bukan kejujuran, kerja keras dan berkualitas yang membuat seseorang sukses, melainkan kecekatan dalam memanfaatkan setiap kesempatan, koneksi, penipuan. Meluasnya sikap asal-asalan tersebut menggerogoti substansi moral bangsa kita dan membahayakan masa depan.

Di pihak lain kita menyaksikan bertambahnya intoleransi, sikap tertutup, keras dan fanatik. Kemampuan untuk menerima saudara dan saudari sebangsa yang berbeda budaya dan agamanya, semakin menipis. Dengan sendirinya potensi konflik dalam masyarakat bertambah.

Secara khusus kami ingin mengajukan tiga keprihatinan.

Yang pertama adalah kenyataan bahwa sekitar 40 persen bangsa kita belum hidup sejahtera. Setelah 65 tahun merdeka kenyataan ini mesti menggugah kita. Rakyat mengharapkan kebijakan politik dan ekonomis yang secara kasatmata berpihak pada orang kecil. Yang sekarang dilihat oleh rakyat adalah proyek-proyek besar di mana rakyat hanya menjadi penonton, bahkan mengalami penggusuran. Yang diharapkan oleh orang kecil bukan peminggiran atau penggusuran, melainkan pemberdayaan, agar mereka semakin berdaya.

Yang kedua, kami tidak dapat menyembunyikan kecemasan kami karena bertambahnya intoleransi dalam masyarakat. Yang paling kami sesalkan adalah bahwa negara kelihatan tidak bersedia melindungi mereka yang keyakinannya berbeda dari mayoritas.

Kami amat sedih bahwa ada orang yang harus beribadah dalam suasana kecemasan, yang harus melarikan diri dari rumahnya karena diancam, bahwa ada orang-orang yang ditekan untuk melepaskan apa yang mereka yakini. Keragu-raguan aparat untuk melindungi mereka yang terancam justru menambah semangat mereka yang mau memaksakan kehendaknya.

Sudah lama kami menunggu kata dari Bapak Presiden kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia, yang memperingatkan bahwa kita semua satu bangsa, bahwa semua warga, entah kelompok besar entah kelompok kecil, sama-sama dilindungi dan dijamin hak asasinya untuk mengikuti keyakinan keagamaan mereka. Kami menunggu jaminan terbuka dan jelas dari Bapak Presiden bahwa negara tidak akan membiarkan kelompok-kelompok minoritas diancam.

Yang ketiga, yang paling serius, adalah korupsi yang meresap ke seluruh kehidupan bangsa. Kami gembira bahwa di bawah kepresidenan Bapak pemberantasan korupsi sudah semakin digalakkan. Tetapi korupsi tetap mengangkat kepalanya yang busuk.

Kami berpendapat bahwa sudah waktunya segala keragu-raguan yang masih ada ditinggalkan, dan korupsi ditindak tanpa pandang bulu. Bapak Presiden boleh yakin bahwa massa besar rakyat Indonesia akan mendukung dengan gegap gempita usaha pemberantasan korupsi yang Bapak Presiden gulirkan, dan tidak akan ada vested interests yang akan dapat menghentikan ofensif antikorupsi itu. Kami berpendapat, bahwa korupsi merupakan kanker di tubuh bangsa Indonesia yang akan menghancurkannya. Bangsa yang tidak lagi tahu apa itu kejujuran tidak dapat bertahan.

Bapak Presiden yang kami hormati dan kami cintai, itulah hal-hal yang ada di hati kami, dan yang mau kami ajukan kepada Bapak Presiden. Kami sangat sadar, bahwa mengatasi semua masalah bukanlah pekerjaan yang mudah. Kami mengakui kemajuan-kemajuan yang sudah tercapai. Tetapi sekarang rakyat Indonesia memerlukan perspektif ke masa depan yang meyakinkan.

Kami akan mendukung setiap kebijakan Bapak Presiden yang memacu perjuangan demi Indonesia yang sejahtera, adil dan maju, di mana semua warga mengalami bahwa martabat mereka terlindungi, atas dasar Pancasila.

Kami menyertai kepemimpinan Bapak Presiden dengan doa-doa kami yang tulus.



Mgr. Martinus D. Situmorang, OFMCap
K e t u a

Mgr. Johannes Pujasumarta,
Sekretaris Jenderal

17 Agustus 2010

Christians give Qur’ans to Muslim prisoners

By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

Catholics and Protestants have donated 100 copies of the Qur’an to Indonesian Muslims in Australian jails, in what they call an act of religious solidarity.

A Qur’an was symbolically presented by Father Antonius Benny Susetyo on behalf of the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference (KWI) to Din Syamsuddin, chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Board, the country’s second largest Muslim organization.

“This is a way of building true friendship and dialogue based on a love of humanity,” said Father Susetyo during the Aug. 13 event at the Muhammadiyah office in Central Jakarta.

This is also an opportunity for Christians to ease tensions after a non-denominational US Church announced it would host an international burn a Qur’an day on Sept. 11, said Father Susetyo.

“The donations are to demonstrate Christian solidarity for Muslims who have started Ramadan,” he added.

“Through this simple act we want to show our commitment to building religious harmony,” said Jeiri Sumampouw of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI).

“We thank the PGI and KWI for this donation,” said Syamsuddin, adding that the act showed appreciation for Muslims and would encourage them to read the Qur’an.

The donation was made at the request of Australian Oblate Father David Shelton who wants to help in the religious formation of Indonesian Muslims in Australian jails.

Many Indonesians have been imprisoned in Australia after violating immigration laws.

Father Shelton has worked in Indonesia for 30 years and provides clothing and sajadah (prayer utilities) for Muslim prisoners in Australia.

Related reports

Qur’an burning worries US envoy in Jakarta
Bishop begs US to stop planned Qur’an burning

10 Agustus 2010

Qur’an burning worries US envoy in Jakarta

By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

A top official at the US Embassy in Jakarta has publicly promised an apology after receiving a letter of protest against a Florida church’s plans for an international burn a Qur’an day.

The Dove World Outreach Center of Gainesville, Florida, plans to stage the event on Sept. 11 to mark the 2001 terrorist attacks in the USA. The notion has triggered outrage among Muslims in Indonesia and worldwide.

“We are deeply concerned, and many Americans of all faiths disagree with the initiative,” said Ted Lyng, the embassy’s chief of political affairs, at a meeting with representatives of Pluralism Care Movement on Aug. 9. “We are pleased to receive this letter and the communication from the Indonesian religious leaders.”

Later, a press conference was organized after the delegation of religious leaders and activists met with Lyng to register their concerns.

Delegates included Damien Dematra of the Pluralism Care Movement, Sacred Heart Bishop Petrus Canisius Mandagi of Amboina, head of the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference, Reverend Hendrik Lokra of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia and Abdul Mu’ti from Muhammadiyah, the second largest Muslim organization in Indonesia.

“The meeting with Lyng was good,” said Bishop Mandagi, “and I can confirm that the US embassy has promised to write an apology in various media.” He added, “The evangelical church’s plan is not only the concern of Muslims but of all religious followers.”

Related reports
Indonesians denounce planned Qur’an burning
Bishop begs US to stop planned Qur’an burning

06 Agustus 2010

Indonesians denounce planned Qur’an burning

By Konradus Epa, Jakarta

Indonesian religious leaders say they want to meet the US ambassador to protest a plan by a Florida evangelical church to burn copies of the Qur’an.

The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, plans to hold an “International Burn a Koran Day” on Sept. 11 to commemorate the 2001 attacks in the US.

“The campaign and provocation of Pastors Terry and Sylvia Jones deserves to be condemned,” Indonesian religious leaders said in a statement read out by Reverend Henry Lokra of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia and Damien Dematra of the Pluralism Care Movement.

The Catholic, Confucian, Hindu, Muslim and Protestant leaders, at their Aug. 4 press conference, described the American church’s proposal as an abuse of Islam, and a violation of religious freedom and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“We condemn the Dove World Outreach Center’s plan and ask the church to immediately withdraw its statement and call off its ignoble plan, which puts other religions in contempt,” they said.

The leaders also called on the US government to immediately intervene to halt the plan which they said could trigger religious conflict around the world.

“We urge all parties not to heed the Dove World Outreach Center’s appeal and ask all people, including religious people in Indonesia, not to be trapped in an uncivilized anarchist action,” they added.

The leaders called on the Indonesian government to continue efforts to improve religious freedom and asked people to maintain peace and harmony.

The group said they hope to meet the US ambassador to deliver their statement and hold a dialogue on the issue.

Related report

Bishop begs US to stop planned Qur’an burning
